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Marvel Studios collectibles ( separately)
Large Metal Firestone Tyres Wall Map Of Ireland
Coin €2 defect
Porcelain Figurines
Murano glass spiral vase
Randy Strong 1988 Art Glass Paperweight
Large tyres metal sign
14.5cm Length Classic Bent Wooden Smoking Pipe Wit
Old earthenware whiskey jug
Golf TDI Mk 4 flag 3ft x 2ft Black
Murano Glass Ruby Vase
Ford county aluminium sign
Dingle cast iron sign
Eire harp cast iron sign
Large integrated post box
Vintage silver plated cake forks
An original pair of 1960s Irish soda syphons
Ford cast iron bell
Large Landrover cast iron sign
Murano Italian glass perfume bottle
Donegal Parian China White Owl Figurine
All Guinness metal signs €15 each
Large African Bust
Belleek Georgian Shell 9" vase with box
Large Royal Tara clock 8"
Matchbox Datsun Speed king 1/43
Minichamps Volvo P 1800 1/43 unused
Unique Collection of large porcelain frogs
Texaco signs
Blade unit
Large piece of wood, bog oak?
Showing 1 - 30 of 4,017