- Private Seller5.0/5(7)
Full Photographic Studio Lighting & Backdrop Setup
- 63 days
- North City, Co. Dublin
Complete Bowens Photographic Home Studio for sale A fully equipped home studio, including three 2.7m fabric roller backdrops (White, Black & Blue) and hanging/roller system, Bowens 500 Watt/second (W/s) Key light with reflector/shoot through brolly, Bowens 800 W/s Fill In light and large Softbox, Bowens 200 W/s Feature light and Large Reflector/Barn Doors, Bowens 250 W/s Hair/Rim Light with modifier on 2.5m counterweighted Gantry, complete with Lighting Set Up Mannequin, Beauty Dish, Snoot, and various reflectors/diffusers. Comes complete with camera radio trigger, and all necessary cables and flash sensors. This installation, which is working perfectly, is all you need to set up a professional level capability studio at home, or in your garage or shed., with the exception of a camera. (A high quality camera (Nikon D7000 + Lens) can be provided as an extra. Full Inventory of what the kit includes: Bowens Esprit 500 (500 W/s) Strobe with Spill Kill reflector and Shoot Through/Reflective Brolly on adjustable stand. Bowens Monolite 800 E (800 W/s) Strobe with Large (1m x 0.8m ) Softbox & flash sensor on adjustable stand Bowens Prolite 60 (250 W/s) Strobe with reflector/modifier on 2.5m counterweighted adjustable gantry stand. Bowens Monolite 200 D (200 W/s) Strobe with large reflector, barn doors and flash sensor. Three 2.7m professional fabric roller studio backdrops, in White, Blue and Black, complete with rolling system and wall bracket hangers. Beauty Dish Snoot, Life size Mannequin for lighting set ups. Radio Camera Trigger. Lastolite large and small folding reflectors/diffusers Flash Meter All necessary cables. Can be seen working, with my camera or yours. €750 ono Message Jim
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